Paul Kei Matsuda

CFP: Special issue of Writing and Pedagogy on Writing Development Across the Lifespan

Special Issue of Writing and Pedagogy

Call For Papers: Writing Development Across the Lifespan

The road to adult competence in writing is long, beginning before the earliest childhood scribbles and passing through many locations in and out of school and beyond. As well, writing competence enlists multiple dimensions of changing lives--experience of the world, development and repurposing of psychological resources, social interactions and organized activities that writing participates in, knowledge of cultural resources, emotional orientations, physical manipulation of technologies, social roles and status, and even economic power. Consequently, each person's experienced path into writing is individual and leads to a different kind of writing competence. Yet our studies of writing and writing instruction tend to focus on a limited period in the life of a writer or a single level of education, and often view the competence as a single general thing. Even then, we have only a limited number of longitudinal studies that track change within the four or six years of a singl
e educational institution.

To foster more studies that look at writing development across the lifespan and writing policies and programs that extend across life periods, a special issue of Writing and Pedagogy is to appear in Summer 2018 (19:2). This issue invites submissions that have a longitudinal orientation or otherwise look at writing development, writing instruction, other interventions, curricula, or educational policies that stretch across age epochs or several years. Possible topics include:
• Comparison of texts from different periods in students' lives.
• Writers' retrospective views of their writing development over time.
• Longitudinal case studies of writers' development over life periods
• Stratified samples of student writing at different ages
• Curricula and other writing interventions that extend over several years of student's lives
• Writers' transitions from one level of schooling or from one workplace experience to the next
• Application of developmental research and theory from other disciplinary domains that bear on writing development
• Studies of the influence of available social experiences and changes in those experiences on the changes in writing
• Comparisons of writing development under different cultural, social, or economic conditions
• Studies of writing development in moments of encounter with new writing opportunities
• Studies of differences of curricula, standards, and assessments offered for students of different ages
• Studies of the impact of different expectations and opportunities on writing development at different levels of schooling
Contributors may also address an issue or topic that is not listed above but which illuminates some aspect of writing development from a lifespan perspective.

We seek articles in all categories, as follows:
Featured Essay: A full-length article (7500-9500 words) offering a fresh perspective, grounded in theory and empirical results and potentially controversial, on a major issue or issues related to Lifespan Development of writing or instruction or policy relevant to a Lifespan perspective.

Research Matters: A full-length article which provides empirical research (e.g. quasi- experimental study, action research, and case study) on writing development that stretches across several ages or transitions across life epochs.

Reflections on Practice: A mid-length article (3500-6500 words) which presents theoretically grounded, empirically warranted, and referenced discussions of practices involving the teaching and learning of L2 writing in the Asian context.

From the e-Sphere: A short article (1000-2000 words) or mid-length article (3500-6500 words) describing educational interventions that are attentive to writing development that extends beyond the length of s single course.

New Books: A short review or full-length, multi-book review article on books published or to be published in 2016, 2017, or 2018 that address issues related to Lifespan development of writing.

For articles in all categories other than book reviews, interested potential authors should send their email and postal addresses along with a provisional title and draft article or detailed abstract, summary, or outline of contents by email or hard copy by post to the guest editor. For best consideration, submit this by 30 April 2017. Also send a 75-100 word biographical statement that includes highest degree and where from, current institutional affiliation and job title, and major achievements. For book reviews, please notify the guest editor of relevant books to appear in 2016, 2017 or 2018 and whether you would like to be considered as a possible reviewer of a specific book or books, for which the reviewer will receive a free copy. If you wish to be considered as a reviewer, also send email and postal address along with a 75-100 word biographical statement that includes highest degree and where from, current institutional affiliation and job title, and major achievement
s. Full submissions are to be submitted on the journal website by 1 September 2017.

Guest editor contact information:
Charles Bazerman
Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
University of California Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA

Last update: January 6, 2008