Call for (Self-)Nominations: AAAL Blog Coordinator
Here is an announcement for a new opportunity for AAAL members who have a vision for how blog can be used to facilitate communication among its members--and beyond!
Call for Nominations
As our membership continues to grow, we are constantly looking for new ways to communicate, both with the membership and with the world at large. With this in mind, we are announcing an exciting opportunity for self-nominations for the position of the AAAL blog coordinator.
Since this is a new undertaking, the new coordinator will have a unique opportunity to design the blog and to shape our communication over the first few months of his or her appointment, then the coordinator will administer the blog until March 2016.
All nominations should include a biographical statement and a proposal for how you would like to operate. Biographical statements should include your current position and interests, your history and experience with AAAL, and your experience with social media and technology (approximately 500 words). Your proposals should discuss your own vision for the AAAL blog in terms of authorship, frequency, features, and ways to address internal and external audiences (approximately 500 words).
All proposals should be sent to by March 1, 2015.
We are really excited about this new undertaking and hope to find a kindred spirit - someone who could help us trigger meaningful conversations among AAAL members and create opportunities for outreach that could inform the larger world about our work.
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