Expertise in Second Language Writing
SSLW and SLW Institute
October 19-22, 2016
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, USA
The 2016 Symposium on Second Language Writing, in conjunction with the Second Language Writing Institute, will take place on October 19-22, 2016, at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
This year's theme, "Expertise in Second Language Writing," highlights the need to explore and articulate what it means to have expertise in the field of second language writing.
This year's theme, "Expertise in Second Language Writing," highlights the need to explore and articulate what it means to have expertise in the field of second language writing.
Expertise in second language writing is sometimes conceptualized in a binary term—either you are an expert or you are not. In reality, however, there are different types and degrees of expertise that are needed depending on the context and roles—writing center tutors, teachers, teacher educators, program administrators, researchers, research mentors, editors, reviewers. As the field of second language writing matures and continues to grow as a community of experts, it is important to move toward a shared understanding of what knowledge and skills are needed for various roles we play in various contexts, and to develop a mechanism for developing and recognizing those expertise.
This symposium will bring together internationally-recognized experts in second language writing from various contexts to explore the nature of expertise in second language writing and to move toward a shared understanding of the different kinds of expertise that are needed in order to function as second language writing experts in various contexts.
To facilitate the development of expertise, the Second Language Writing Institute will feature workshops on various topics for teachers, researchers and administrators whose work involve second language writing.
Call for Proposals
Call for proposals is available here. Submission deadline: February 29, 2016.
Key Dates
SSLW: October 19-21, 2016
SLW Institute: October 22, 2016
Proposal Submission Deadline: February 28, 2016
Notification: March 31, 2016
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About SSLW
Founded in 1998 by Tony Silva and Paul Kei Matsuda, the Symposium on Second Language Writing (SSLW) is an annual international conference dedicated to the development of the field of second language writing—a transdisciplinary field of specialization that draws from and contributes to various related fields, including applied linguistics, composition studies, education, foreign language studies, literacy studies, rhetoric, and TESOL.
Since its inception, SSLW has been attracting second language writing researchers and teachers from all over the world. In recent years, the Symposium has been hosted by Nagoya Gakuin University, Japan (2007), Purdue University, USA (2008), Arizona State University, USA (2009), the University of Murcia, Spain (2010), National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan (2011), Purdue University, USA (2012), Shandong University, China (2013), Arizona State University, USA (2014), and Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (2015).
For more information about the Symposium on Second Language Writing, please visit: http://sslw.asu.edu/.
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