CFP: CCCC 2013 Workshop
From: Christiane Donahue <>
Date: March 31, 2012 7:40:16 MST
To: Paul Matsuda <>
Subject: willing to post CFP?
Hi Paul,Would you be willing to post or circulate this CFP?Thank you--hope you are well and happy,TianeDear colleagues,
Please circulate (and consider for yourselves and collaborators!):
We are inviting 1-paragraph proposals for up to twenty-four facilitator roles in a College Conference on Composition and Communication (CCCC) workshop focused on research about writing in higher education outside of the U.S. We understand that U.S. researchers often know very little about writing research in the multiple rich traditions beyond our borders (physical and figurative). For the sixth year, we are planning to propose a workshop that (if accepted) will take place at the annual CCCC conference. The conference next year is in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 13-16:
The workshop is tentatively titled: Diverse Disciplines, New Publics: Dialogues about International Higher Education Writing Research
We have learned, through four previous workshops and other international exchanges, that we all need extended time to read, process, think through, and discuss in detail each other's work when we come from different linguistic, institutional, political, geographic, theoretical and pedagogical places. This workshop, along with the work we do to prepare for it, is designed to make such space available at the CCCC conference. It is intended to engage researcher-participants from many countries and research traditions in equal exchange dialogue, learning from each other: the primary focus is on the writing research itself. We are willing to help with translation of a text into English as needed, if we accept it for the workshop. The research can be focused on teaching writing in any language.
The brief proposal should describe a research project you would be interested in sharing with other facilitators and participants. It can be completed or in process. By research, we mean a project with a focused research question, an identified methodology (qualitative, quantitative, ethnographic, historical, discourse analysis, etc), and the collection of data in some form.
The project must be international, by which we mean (for the purposes of this U.S. call) carried out by either scholars in countries other than the U.S. or scholars collaborating deeply across borders, including U.S. borders, in any language. Your role in the workshop would be to provide a draft text about the research by the end of December 2012, to read the other facilitators' texts before attending the CCCC conference, and to participate in the day-long workshop by leading a discussion about your project and participating in discussions of a subset of others' projects.
A copy of last year's workshop proposal is attached, to give you an idea of what the overall proposal will look like. We've also listed sample titles from previous years' workshops to give you an idea of the kinds of work we've exchanged in past sessions. You will be welcome to suggest changes to the overall proposal when you send us your individual part! We will send out a draft at that point. You may notice that the proposal is written with a U.S. readership in mind--this is because, as you know, the proposal review committee is comprised primarily of U.S. scholars. We seek to convince this audience that many CCCC attendees have much to learn from writing research in traditions other than the ones they find most familiar--that writing research needs multiple international perspectives.
Please send your proposal by April 27th to:
This proposal can be quite informal (it serves to help us determine appropriate projects, and only the title will appear in the program), but must include:
• A title (you will have a chance to revise the title).
• Your name and preferred title, your institution, your full home mailing address, your phone number, and whether this would be your first time at the CCCC conference.
• A short description of your project:
- research question(s),
- methodology,
- key theoretical frame(s),
- tentative results or conclusions.
We strongly encourage you to submit a proposal to the CCCC as individual presenters, as well. The CCCC format does allow individuals to present at both a workshop and a concurrent session (it does not allow individuals to present at more than one concurrent session).
Thank you! Please write with any questions at all.
Cinthia Gannett and Tiane (Christiane) Donahue