Paul Kei Matsuda

SSLW 2012 Plenary Speakers Announced

The list of plenary speakers for SSLW 2012 is now available. They are: Tony Cimasko, Alister Cumming, Given Lee, Paul Kei Matsuda, Christina Ortmeier-Hooper, Karen Power, Tanita Saenkhum, Iona Sarieva, Diane Schallert, Tony Silva, Dan Tannacito, Luxin Yang, and Wei Zhu.

For more information, please visit:

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Congratulations, Tanita!

Tanita Saenkum has received 2012 CCCC Chair's Memorial Scholarship. Congratulations, Tanita! Well deserved!


CFP: The 11th Symposium on Second Language Writing

Call for Proposals

The 11th Symposium on Second Language Writing
"Graduate Study in Second Language Writing"

September 6-8, 2012
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

The 2012 Symposium Organizing Committee seeks proposals for 20-minute presentations that address various topics within the field of L2 writing--broadly defined.

Any topic related to second language writing theory, research, or teaching is welcome; we especially encourage proposals that seek to challenge the status quo in the field by introducing new topics as well as new theoretical and methodological approaches.

As with all previous Symposium iterations, we are interested in L2 writing issues in any second or foreign language for any age groups in personal, academic, professional and civic contexts. Given the theme of the Symposium, we particularly encourage proposals that address the issue of graduate studies for second language writing teachers and researchers.

To submit your proposal, please use the online proposal submission form available at Proposals must include both a 50-word summary and a 300-word abstract.

Proposals must be received by 23:59:59 on May 1, 2012 (Eastern Daylight Time; UTC-0400). Proposals will be peer reviewed by a panel of experts. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by the end of May 2012.

For more information about SSSL 2012, please visit

We look forward to receiving your proposal!

Tony Silva and Paul Kei Matsuda, Co-Founding Chairs

Last update: January 6, 2008