Paul Kei Matsuda

Call for paper proposals

L1 –Educational Studies in Language and Literature
Call for Papers
Special Issue: Plurilingual and intercultural education

The L1-community has long moved away from an exclusive focus on "mother tongue education". Instead, an awareness of diversity in language use and language biographies of learners, of multilingualism in society and plurilingual repertoires of students has risen. Accordingly, monolithic conceptions of culture have been contested and inter- as well as transcultural approaches have been introduced into learning language and literature. In general, the role of languages in learning – including within all school subjects – has been realized more clearly in recent years and has lead to initiatives in teaching practices, curriculum design and research. A symposium at the IAIMTE-conference in Hildesheim this summer (June 2011) took up the theme of plurililingual and intercultural education and brought together researchers from foreign-language-education with researchers in the field of L1 and L2.

More information about this call for papers: see homepage L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature

Rosa Manchon's New Book

Learning-to-Write and Writing-to-Learn in an Additional Language

Genre 2012: proposal deadline Oct. 15

Genre 2012--Rethinking Genre Twenty Years Later:
An International Conference on Genre Studies

Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
June 26-29, 2012

. . . three major traditions of Genre Studies: (a) English for Specific Purposes (ESP), (b) North American/New Rhetorical Studies, and (c) Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics (the Sydney School);

Proposals are due October 15, 2011.

Call for Proposals:

Natasha Artemeva, Ph. D.

Acting Graduate Supervisor
Associate Professor
School of Linguistics and
Language Studies
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1S 5B6

Tel.+1 (613) 520-2600 ext.7452
Fax +1 (613) 520-6641

Last update: January 6, 2008