Paul Kei Matsuda

CFP: The Ninth Annual Wenshan International Conference

The Ninth Annual Wenshan International Conference


English Department, National Chengchi University

Taipei, Taiwan




Conference theme:

Meeting the Challenges of Serving the New Generation of EFL Learners


The English Department of National Chengchi University will hold the Ninth Annual Wenshan International Conference on the NCCU main campus in Taipei, on Saturday, May 29, 2010.

The theme for this conference is Meeting the Challenges of Serving the New Generation of EFL Learners. Since the Internet became available in the mid- 1990s, frequent exposure to electronic media and instant interaction among people from as close as neighboring cubicles to as far as distant continents has become a way of life. As the English language continues to play a key role in global communication, English language educators are realizing that many current students have grown up with much more experience with the English language via computers and mobile technology than students in the past. Many in the field feel the need to review and redesign their English language curriculum in order to reflect these changes to more fully meet the needs and interests of this new generation of students. As a result, questions have arisen including how to understand the changes that are happening in learners and in the classroom, and how to consider curriculum design in order to meet the challenges brought about by the so-called “new literacies” (Gee, 2000; Lam, 2000). These are the questions that the Ninth Annual Wenshan International Conference would like to address.


We are excited to have the following professors as our keynote speakers—

l   Phillip Benson, English Department Chair & Professor, Hong Kong Institute of Education

l   David Flinders, Professor of Curriculum Studies, Indiana University (Bloomington)

l   Paul Kei Matsuda, Associate Professor of English at Arizona State University


Abstracts for 20-minute academic paper presentations are now being accepted. We particularly welcome Vygotskian sociocultural (SCT) related perspectives and encourage presentations which report on ongoing or in-progress projects or research in the following categories:


l   Changes in the current English learning environment

l   The Net-generation Language learners

l   Classroom practice in response to new literacies

l   Developing language proficiency for the future

l   Teacher professional development

l   Impact of emerging technologies

l   Future trends in language curriculum research

l   Autonomy in language learning


Abstract Submission:

Please remove all author information before submitting your abstract, written in English, for blind review via the conference website at:

Authors of proposals invited to present at the conference are also encouraged to submit their papers to the refereed journal: Taiwan Journal of TESOL.


Important Dates:

Abstract submission deadline: Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Notification of acceptance: January 25, 2010

Paper submission deadline: May 10, 2010

Conference date: May 29, 2010


For more information, please contact:


Telephone: 886-2-2938-7248

Fax: 886-2-2939-0510


Further information is available at:


Chris Faltis Talk: October 2, 2009

The Applied Linguistics Speakers Series Announces:


Dr. Christian J. Faltis


Artful Applied Linguistics


Theme:  Art and Language Policy in the Southwest


Abstract.  I am interested in the process of double-imaging (Springgay, Irwin, & Kind, 2005), interconnections within, between, and through art and text-based inquiry that allows audiences to vicariously and critically experience issues that affect Mexican immigrants and raise new questions about their (mis) treatment in schools and society. I will explore how the juxtaposition of art with text and the transmediation between the two contributes to a scholarship of inquiry that furthers understanding of the life experiences of English learners in Arizona schools where native languages other than English are suppressed.


I will discuss oil paintings I created on the topics of restrictive language policy as renderings that I connect with written excerpts (e.g., Aparicio, 2000; Gándara & Contreras, 2009; Faltis, 2007; Faltis & Coulter, 2005; Romero, 2006; & Valencia, 2008) about the same topics to show how art and text complement and extend one another to offer new understandings and meaning.  Each painting depicts an issue that is also discussed in the written literature about immigration and restrictive language policy.  I weave in my personal narrative as a language scholar of how and why I created each painting with text that I have either written myself or have drawn on as I thought about and conceptualized the forms and content I wanted to lay down on the painting to convey my lived experiences with restrictive language policy in Arizona as both a researcher and an artist.


Chris Faltis is the Dolly and David Fiddyment Professor of Education and Director of Teacher Education at UC Davis.  Prior to coming to UC Davis, he served on the faculty of Arizona State University for 18 years.  He has also taught at the University of Alabama and the University Nevada.  Chris was a Fulbright Senior Research Scholar at the National Autonomous University of Honduras, and a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley.  In 2001, he received the American Educational Research Association’s Distinguished Scholar Award.  Chris and co-author Cathy Coulter published the first book for teachers on improving instruction for high school English Learners. Recently, he co-authored a new book with Carole Edelsky and Karen Smith titled Side-by-Side Learning, a book for teachers who teach in classes where English learners are mixed with English speakers.  He is currently completing a book with Beatriz Arias on restricted language policy in Arizona, and is co-editing a book with Guadalupe Valdés on immigrant, refugees and English learners. Chris is also an oil painter.  His work has been shown in Arizona, Georgia, and Texas and addresses education themes related to Mexican immigrants in schools and the treatment of Mexican immigrants in the borderlands.



Date: 10.02.2009                      Time: 1:30-2:30 P.M.                 Location:  Coor L1-88


For more information, contact or

For information about the new Applied Linguistics Ph.D. program, visit


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2009 Symposium on Second Language Writing

Abstracts for the plenary sessions are now available online at

Symposium on Second Language Writing: Abstracts Available

Abstracts of presentations at the 2009 Symposium on Second Language Writing are now available in word format at

I have also added more information about the Symposium site and the area at I hope this makes it easier as participants make decisions about hotels and other activities during their stay at ASU.

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Last update: January 6, 2008