Paul Kei Matsuda

Job Ad: Lecturer in Rhetoric and Composition with expertise in ESL Writing

Lecturer in Rhetoric and Composition with expertise in ESL Writing

Lecturer in Rhetoric and Composition. Beginning August 16, 2009. Required: Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition or in a related discipline with appropriate relevant coursework; experience in teaching college-level first-year ESL writing courses; evidence of effective teaching. Desired: Theoretical grounding, expertise, and teaching experience in second language writing; evidence of participation in professional conferences in applied linguistics, composition, rhetoric or TESOL.

Teaching load is 4 composition courses each semester. Appropriate professional university service responsibilities. Three-year renewable appointment.

Applicants must submit: Letter of application; vita; teaching philosophy; unofficial graduate transcripts; three letters of recommendation; and copies of recent teaching evaluations to D. Baker, Rhet/Comp ESL Writing Lecturer Search Committee, Department of English, Arizona State University, P.O. Box 870302, Tempe AZ 85287-0302, postmarked by January 2, 2009; if not filled, the 15th of every month until search is closed. We do not accept incomplete applications. E-mailed materials will not be accepted. A background check is required for employment. AA/EOE.

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CFP: Conference on College English at National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Call for Papers

The 3rd Conference on College English

College English: Opportunities and Challenges for Teaching and Learning

National Chengchi University
Taipei, Taiwan

The 3rd Conference on College English will be organized by the Foreign Language Center of National Chengchi University (NCCU) on 11th April 2009. The conference is an annual gathering, which provides a stimulating and rewarding academic forum for presentations and discussions of various issues regarding College English. Teachers and researchers in ELT/TESOL are invited to offer scholarly papers on teaching and learning English at college or university level. The theme for this year is "College English: Opportunities and Challenges for Teaching and Learning."

With English becoming the lingua franca in the global village, ELT has been more and more important in higher education in Taiwan and other countries. Many English teaching theories, pedagogical approaches, and research models have been originated in or imported from the English dominant countries. This influx of studies has encouraged dynamic English education and offered plenty of opportunities—as well as challenges—for both teachers and students in teaching and learning. Therefore, this year’s conference will focus on critical issues of opportunities and challenges in college English education in all aspects.

Principal keynote speaker, Dr. Paul Kei Matsuda (, is currently Associate Professor of English and the Director of Writing Programs at Arizona State University. As one of the most influential scholars in the field of L2 writing, Professor Matsuda has published widely on second language writing in various journals and edited collections; he has also edited numerous books and special journal issues in this field. Interested in L2 writing development in Asian countries, Professor Matsuda has been a visiting scholar at the University of Hong Kong and Nagoya University in Japan in the past years. Moreover, he is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2005-06 Richard Ohmann Award for the Outstanding Refereed Article in the journal College English and TOEFL Outstanding Young Scholar Award from Educational Testing Service in 2006.

The Conference Organizing Committee is now circulating a call for abstract proposals for individual paper presentations. Abstracts are welcome in any areas that fit the conference theme. Please submit your anonymous abstract proposal of 250-500 words and a brief bio in either English or Chinese as a Word/PDF attachment to by February 2, 2009. Full-paper manuscripts to be considered for inclusion in the proceedings should be submitted for blind peer review by May 8, 2009.

Important dates:

  • Conference: April 11, 2009
  • Abstract due: February 2, 2009
  • Notification of abstract acceptance: February 13, 2009
  • Full manuscript due: May 8, 2009
Conference organizer: Foreign Language Center, National Chengchi University

Postal Address: Foreign Language Center, National Chengchi University
64, Sec 2, Zhi-nan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei 11605, Taiwan

Abstract Submission

E-mail Address:
Contact Person: Derya Liu (02)2939-3091 ext. 62396

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CFP: TESOL 2009 Graduate Student Forum

Call for Proposals
The 2009 Graduate Student Forum
at the 43rd Annual TESOL Convention
Denver, Colorado, USA
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eligibility to Submit a Proposal

Full-time and part-time students enrolled in graduate programs leading to the master's degree in TESOL (or related fields) at any institution of higher learning can take part in the Graduate Student Forum, either as presenters or as participants. (Please note that there is a similar but separate forum for doctoral students).

Types of Proposals

Proposals for three types of presentations are being solicited: papers, demonstrations, and poster sessions.

A paper (15 minutes) is an oral summary, with occasional reference to notes or a text, which describes or discusses something that the presenter is doing or has done in relation to theory or practice. Handouts and audiovisual aids may be used.

A demonstration (15 minutes) shows, rather than discusses, a technique for teaching or testing. No more than 5 minutes is spent explaining the theory underlying the technique. The presenter provides handouts and may use audiovisual aids.

A poster session (1 hour) allows for short, informal discussions with other participants during the 1-hour time period that a self-explanatory exhibit is on display. The exhibit is presented on a large (4' x 8') display board that includes a title; the name and institutional affiliation of the presenter(s); and a brief text with clearly labeled photos, drawings, graphs, or charts. No other audiovisual equipment is allowed. Exhibits are set up during the lunch hour before the session and dismantled immediately after the session.

Deadline for Submitting a Proposal

All proposals must be submitted by December 1, 2008. Proposals may be submitted via email using the Proposal Form. If you do not have access to a computer, send your proposal to the following:

TESOL Gradute Forum
Brigham Young University University
4064 JFSB
Provo, UT 84602 USA

Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped postcard with the title of the proposal on it for acknowledgment of proposal receipt. Please do NOT submit duplicate proposals.

Adjudication of Proposals

Submitted proposals will be refereed by graduate students at the host universities (Brigham Young University, Eastern Michigan University, Seattle Pacific University, Southeast Missouri State University). If you have any questions about the 2009 Graduate Student Forum, please contact the TESOL Graduate Student Forum at

Factors Affecting Selection

The Graduate Student Forum is intended to bring together individuals from a variety of institutions and backgrounds; therefore, an important factor in proposal selection is program balance. In adjudicating proposals, the Forum Program Committee will seek such balance in (a) range of topics, (b) level of expertise, (c) interests covered, (d) professional and geographic distribution of the participants, and (e) relevance of the proposal to the needs of graduate students in TESOL.

Another important factor is how well the proposal summary is written. Summaries should possess (a) clarity of purpose, (b) succinctness, (c) appropriateness, (d) significance for the intended audience, (e) an indication of the research quality (if relevant), and (f) evidence that the presentation will be well prepared.

Because institutional travel funding for many graduate students is contingent upon their presenting a session at the convention, the Forum Program Committee will accept only one primary presentation per presenter. Otherwise, if a presenter takes up more than one spot on the forum program, others may be prevented from attending the TESOL convention.

Factors Disqualifying a Proposal

Proposals will be disqualified if they promote commercial interests are not completed according to the guidelines outlined in this Call for Participation (e.g., the summary exceeds one page) are not received by the deadline of December 1, 2008.

Responsibilities of the Presenter

Notify all co-presenters about the status of the proposal. When two or more people are presenting, the first presenter is responsible for notifying the others. Register for the forum and the TESOL convention. TESOL is unable to reimburse program participants for expenses.
Do not change the conceptual content of your session once it has been accepted. Bring enough handouts for your room size, which will be indicated in the proposal acceptance message. Participate in all the activities of the entire Graduate Student Forum from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.

Steps in Submitting a Proposal

Proposals that do not follow these steps are automatically disqualified.

1. If the proposal is accepted, the proposal must include an abstract that will appear in the Program Book. Participants in the forum will use the abstract to decide which presentations to attend. Make sure the abstract has the following information in the upper left corner: (a) title, (b) presenter’s full name, (c) institutional affiliation, (d) city, (e) state/province, and (f) country.

Title Guidelines:

(a) accurately reflects the content
(b) is clear to the intended audience
(c) has no colon in the title
(d) is limited to seven words. Each part of a slashed or hyphenated word counts as one word. Do not use quotation marks. Capitalize all major words. Examples: (1)Participants' Perspectives on In-Service Teacher Training (seven words), (2) Web Sites for Teaching U.S. Popular Culture (seven words).

Abstract Guidelines:

(a) does not exceed 50 words
(b) is written in the third-person present tense (e.g., "The presenter begins by ... and she/he ...”)
(c) avoids all references to published works
(d) is carefully edited and proofread
(e) is written to draw the most appropriate audience to the presentation
(f) spells out any acronym(s) used in the title

Sample Abstract: This paper reports on research conducted to determine how to best develop language learning strategies. The participants were EFL learners in a Southeast Asian nation. This research compared the natural development of strategies among students in traditional classrooms with the effects of specific instruction in strategies and their use.

2. Prepare a one-page summary of the presentation content. Only the referees will see the proposal summary; it will not appear in the Program Book. Make sure your proposal summary has the following information in the upper left corner: (a) title, (b) type of presentation (i.e., paper, demonstration, poster session), (c) designated interest area, (d) content area, and (e) audiovisual equipment needs.

Proposal Summary Guidelines:

(a) is limited to one 8 1/2" x 11" (21.5 x 28 cm) page. Longer summaries are disqualified.
(b) is typed: double-spaced, dark, and readable
(c) does not include names of the presenter(s) or institution(s)
(d) presents a clearly stated purpose and point of view
(e) includes supporting details and examples
(f) contains evidence of current practices and/or research
(g) uses appropriate format (e.g., paper, demonstration)
(h) uses a variety of techniques (e.g., activities, visuals)
(i) indicates that a presenter can cover the material in the allotted time
(j) is carefully edited and proofread

Proposal Summary Content:

(a) paper: synopsis that includes central idea and supporting evidence
(b) demonstration: central purpose and description of what will be demonstrated
(c) poster session: main ideas to be presented and description of the visual display

Registering to Attend or Present at the Forum

To attend the 2009 Graduate Student Forum, you must register for the TESOL 2009 Graduate Student Forum. Registration for the 2009 Graduate Student Forum is a separate process. Although there is no extra forum registration fee for students registered for the TESOL convention, registration is still required for the Graduate Student Forum because space limits attendance to 160 participants. To register, fill out the registration form and send it to the address below. Registrations must be received by February 25, 2009.

TESOL Graduate Student Forum
4064 JFSB
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602 USA

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Call for Contributors: Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Basic Writing, 3rd edition

From: Gregory R Glau
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 3:25 PM
Subject: publication opportunity

Chitralekha Duttagupta and I are working on the 3rd edition of the BEDFORD BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR TEACHERS OF BASIC WRITING, and we need folks to annotate the new entries.

We've pasted-in the url of available entries below. If you're interested in annotating one or more of them, while we cannot pay you anything, Bedford/St. Martin's will send you a copy of the text when it's published, and we will owe you our debt of thanks!

Please note:

1/ you must have the essay(s) or book(s) you'd like to annotate in-hand; we cannot supply them to you

2/ annotations should follow the general form, style, and length of those in the 2nd edition (your local Bedford/St. Martin's sales representative can supply you with a copy, if you don't have one)

3/ annotations must be sent to us by email by November 17, 2008

If you'd like to annotate one or more of the items in the list below, please send your selection(s) to Greg at Please do NOT reply to the whole List. Please note that items in BOLD are available to annotate (as we assign entries, we’ll “unbold” those we assign, so you can always see what entries are still available:

It'd be useful if you can send Greg your "first three choices" (or however many) as we have to assign these first-come, first-served and your first choice might not be available by the time we get to your email. Please indicate if you'd like to do one out of the three, or two, etc. and we'll do our best to accommodate you.

Many thanks,

Greg Glau
Northern Arizona University

Chitralekha Duttagupta
Utah Valley University

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Director, Centre for English Language Communication (CELC), National University of Singapore

The National University of Singapore (NUS) invites applications and nominations for the position of Director, Centre for English Language Communication (CELC).

The National University of Singapore ( is a leading university in Asia with approximately 32,000 students. CELC is a teaching department in the University, reporting directly to the Office of the Provost. With staff strength of 35 full-time and more than 80 part-time lecturers, CELC plays a key role in addressing the language and communication needs of both the local and international undergraduate and graduate students. CELC offers three main types of courses - proficiency based courses such as Basic English and English for Academic Purposes; discipline-specific Business and Professional Communication Skills courses; and writing courses including Critical Thinking & Writing and Writing for the Academy. CELC is primarily a teaching department but staff members are active in pedagogical research related to English Language Teaching (ELT). The Centre publishes an international refereed journal, Reflections on English Language Teaching (RELT), and organizes a symposium once every three years. For more information about CELC, please visit

The Director of CELC is expected to be a dynamic academic leader with a PhD in Applied Linguistics, TEFL/TESL, TESOL, Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Writing, Discourse or other related fields; leadership experience in managing a similar language centre; and a proven track record in teaching and research in English language communication.

The appointment will be for three years, renewable. Remuneration and benefits will be competitive and commensurate with experience.

Applications, including a statement of interest, detailed curriculum vitae, names of three referees and student feedback, should be forwarded by 15 December 2008 to

Ms Regina So
Centre for English Language Communication
National University of Singapore
10 Architecture Drive
117511 Singapore
Fax: 65-6777-9152

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


Last update: January 6, 2008