CFP: Social Networking in CALL
Lara Lomicka (University of South Carolina) and Gillian Lord (University of Florida) are editing a volume on social networking and online collaboration for the CALICO Monograph Series 2009 and are currently accepting chapter proposals for the chapters presented below. If you are interested in any one of them, please submit to and a one- to two-page description of the chapter you would like to write based on the general outline below. Please refer to the topics we have provided as a general guideline; you can amend aspects of the chapter as you see fit. Submissions should combine SLA theory, research and practice of relevant applications, such as those listed below. The book will focus on practical and theory-based applications and how they relate to SLA and CALL theory, as well as empirical studies detailing their usefulness to CALL. The deadline to submit proposals is March 31, 2008.
Thank you very much for your interest and we look forward to working with you. Feel free to contact us in case of questions.
Lara Lomicka (
Gillian Lord (
(Authors will have pages created for their chapters and will be invited to join the wiki so they can share their ideas with the other contributors.)
The Second Generation: Online collaboration and social networking in CALL
In recent years the landscape of CALL has been drastically altered, thanks to what have become known as Web 2.0 applications. The phrase “Web 2.0” was coined by O'Reilly Media in 2004 and refers to the second generation of the Internet, in which the emphasis is on online collaboration, networking and sharing among users. With Web 2.0 applications, language teachers have a variety of tools available to use in new and creative ways, and the potential to make us rethink how we act and interact in our lives and in our classrooms. This volume addresses the changes implied in these new applications, focusing on the social and collaborative aspects as well as the theoretical constructs informing their use, the benefits for students from a language perspective, and successful projects implemented in the language classroom.
Chapter topics open to submissions
• Social networking/online communities (FaceBook, MySpace)
• Flickr, YouTube, other social media-sharing sites
• Chatbots (i.e., Fryer & Carpenter, 2006)
• Tagging and folksonomies
• RSS (really simple syndication) and feed aggregators
• Social bookmarking
• Other forms of many-to-many publishing
• Other social software applications
The volume will also contain five invited chapters, with the following topics:
• Gaming
• Blogs
• Wikis
• Podcasting and audioblogging
• Virtual realities
• March 31: Submission of chapter proposal & commitment to timeline
• April 28: Acceptance notices and comments from the editors on chapter descriptions
• May 31: Authors post outline and work in progress to wiki
• June 30: Authors provide feedback and comments for each other via wiki
• August 25: Submission of full chapter to editors and to post wiki
• October 6: Comments and requested revisions from the editors on full chapter
• November 3: Resubmit final version of chapter to editors and post to wiki
*The volume is expected to go to press in time for the 2009 CALICO conference.
Labels: announcement, cfp