Paul Kei Matsuda

CFP: Social Networking in CALL

Lara Lomicka (University of South Carolina) and Gillian Lord (University of Florida) are editing a volume on social networking and online collaboration for the CALICO Monograph Series 2009 and are currently accepting chapter proposals for the chapters presented below. If you are interested in any one of them, please submit to and a one- to two-page description of the chapter you would like to write based on the general outline below. Please refer to the topics we have provided as a general guideline; you can amend aspects of the chapter as you see fit. Submissions should combine SLA theory, research and practice of relevant applications, such as those listed below. The book will focus on practical and theory-based applications and how they relate to SLA and CALL theory, as well as empirical studies detailing their usefulness to CALL. The deadline to submit proposals is March 31, 2008.

Thank you very much for your interest and we look forward to working with you. Feel free to contact us in case of questions.

Lara Lomicka (
Gillian Lord (

(Authors will have pages created for their chapters and will be invited to join the wiki so they can share their ideas with the other contributors.)

The Second Generation: Online collaboration and social networking in CALL


In recent years the landscape of CALL has been drastically altered, thanks to what have become known as Web 2.0 applications. The phrase “Web 2.0” was coined by O'Reilly Media in 2004 and refers to the second generation of the Internet, in which the emphasis is on online collaboration, networking and sharing among users. With Web 2.0 applications, language teachers have a variety of tools available to use in new and creative ways, and the potential to make us rethink how we act and interact in our lives and in our classrooms. This volume addresses the changes implied in these new applications, focusing on the social and collaborative aspects as well as the theoretical constructs informing their use, the benefits for students from a language perspective, and successful projects implemented in the language classroom.

Chapter topics open to submissions

• Social networking/online communities (FaceBook, MySpace)
• Flickr, YouTube, other social media-sharing sites
• Chatbots (i.e., Fryer & Carpenter, 2006)
• Tagging and folksonomies
• RSS (really simple syndication) and feed aggregators
• Social bookmarking
• Other forms of many-to-many publishing
• Other social software applications

The volume will also contain five invited chapters, with the following topics:

• Gaming
• Blogs
• Wikis
• Podcasting and audioblogging
• Virtual realities


• March 31: Submission of chapter proposal & commitment to timeline
• April 28: Acceptance notices and comments from the editors on chapter descriptions
• May 31: Authors post outline and work in progress to wiki
• June 30: Authors provide feedback and comments for each other via wiki
• August 25: Submission of full chapter to editors and to post wiki
• October 6: Comments and requested revisions from the editors on full chapter
• November 3: Resubmit final version of chapter to editors and post to wiki

*The volume is expected to go to press in time for the 2009 CALICO conference.

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The Graduate College Concept

One of the first things I learned about graduate programs at ASU--even before I started--was the implementation of the graduate college concept.

This is nothing new--in Japan, graduate faculty members (people who are certified to advise graduate students) often identify themselves as belonging to the graduate school of X. (For example, at Nagoya University, I belonged to the Graduate School of International Development rather than a department or college.)

In the States, though, disciplines have traditionally been organized around departments, and each graduate program have been housed primarily--if not exclusively--with a department. For that reason, it was not always easy for a graduate student in one program to have a faculty member from another department to chair the dissertation committee even if that person is the ultimate expert in the area. Some of the reasons included the territoriarity of faculty members in the student's department and the lack of recognition or reward for the faculty who work with students in another department.

The graduate college concept, which sees faculty members as belonging to the graduate college or school, an interdepartmental unit, rather than a department, is designed to address this problem by allowing faculty members to work with students in other departments. At institutions like ASU, where experts in, say, applied linguistics are situated in various departments and units on different campuses, it makes a lot of sense.

The original program-in-department structure is not going to go away entirely because of issues like program funding, tenure and promotion. But there will be more fluidity in exchanging people and their experties. At least that's the idea.

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ASU Applied Linguistic PhD Now Official

Arizona Board of Regents has approved the creation of the Ph.D. Program in Applied Linguistics at Arizona State University. The program will be accepting the first cohort of students to begin in August 2008. Applications will be accpted between February 11 and 29, 2008.

What this means is that students now have the option of specializing in second language writing in one of the two doctoral programs: 1) Rhetoric/Composition and Linguistics; and 2) Applied Linguistics.

But how to decide? The relationship between the two programs will be evolving over the next few years, but at this point, all I can say is to look at both programs and see what seems to work best for your own purpose. (If you are unsure, I would even suggest applying to both programs.)

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TQ Editor’s Ponderings

Suresh Canagarajah has started a blog focusing on academic publication from the perspective of the TQ editor.

AAAL 2008 Graduate Student Event

Dear AAAL Student Member,


On behalf of the AAAL 2008 Conference organizing committee, we would like to invite you to attend an exciting new initiative at the AAAL 2008 conference in Washington D.C., The Future of Applied Linguistics: An Evening for Graduate Students, to be held on Sunday, March 30, 2008, between 6:30 and 8:00 p.m.


The purpose of this event is to provide academic and professional mentoring activities as well as networking opportunities for graduate students attending AAAL 2008. In previous conferences, AAAL organized the Invited Breakfast for Graduate Students, an informal forum for graduate students to meet scholars in the field and discuss research areas of interest to them. This year we have expanded this forum and organized An Evening for Graduate Students, which will consist of an academic panel presentation on a specific topic followed by an open discussion among the participants. We have also moved the time of the event to the evening, which we believe will be more convenient for students to attend. The theme of this year’s student event is Succeeding in the Academic Job Search: Advice from Both Sides of the Table. Hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be served during the event.


We hope that this event will become a tradition and would like to invite you to support it by attending the event to share your ideas, experiences and questions about the topic. To ensure that we order enough food and drinks for everybody, we request that you email us to confirm if you will attend the event by January 30th, 2008. We have listed below the names of the scholars who have kindly agreed to participate in the event for your information.


For further information and/or questions please email us at:




Student Participation Sub-committee, AAAL 2008 Organizing Committee


List of participating scholars:



Bonny Norton, University of British Columbia

Nancy Bell, Washington State University

Suresh Canagarajah, Pennsylvania State University

Younghee Sheen, American University


Christina Higgins, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Clea Schmidt, University of Manitoba

Ena Lee, Simon Fraser University

Eva Lam, Northwestern University

Farahnaz Faez, University of Western Ontario

John M Norris, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Lourdes Ortega, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Mary Theresa Seig, Ball State University

Melissa Bowles, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Paul Kei Matsuda, Arizona State University

Steven Talmy, University of British Columbia

CFP: 2008 WSRL Conference





October 23-25, 2008

Montana State University

Bozeman, Montana


2008 Conference Theme:  Cultural Rhetorics


Keynote Speaker:


Scott Richard Lyons, Syracuse University

“The Indigenous Public Intellectual and the Problem of Writing”


This conference seeks to explore acts of reading and writing as cultural rhetorics, examining how textual interpretation and production intersects with the social practices of particular historical situations.  We invite paper and panel proposals that explore this topic from a variety of perspectives, with a particular interest in cultural rhetorics that have been underrepresented within academic perspectives.


The Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference was created to allow scholars to come together and exchange current research in rhetoric and literacy studies in an intimate and informal setting. In keeping with the spirit of a small gathering, the conference will be held in a professional but relaxed atmosphere. Its goal is to address theoretical and pedagogical issues through a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives. Each year, the conference will focus on a particular theme. While we especially welcome proposals that address the theme for each particular year, we may also consider proposals that deal with other relevant topics and issues. Of particular interest are presentations that encourage audience participation and discussion, and contribute closely to the conference theme and to questions concerning aspects of the following:


Cross-cultural rhetoric

Contrastive rhetoric

Digital, visual, and material rhetoric

Pedagogies of cultural rhetorics

Rhetoric and Agency

World Englishes


Please submit:


A cover page that includes the title, speaker/s, address/es, email/s, and phone number/s, along with a brief 25-50 word description of your presentation 

4 copies of a one-page abstract (per speaker) prepared for blind review that describes the proposed talk and identifies the format for the presentation:

(a) 20 minute paper, which will be combined with similar proposals to form a 90 minute panel.

(b) 90 minute panel, limited to 3 speakers.


Please note that the Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference has a

NO MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS policy--only 1 submission per person.

Proposals must be postmarked by Friday, April 14, 2007. Please send to:


Kirk Branch

Montana State University

Department of English

P.O. Box 172300

Bozeman, MT 59717-2300

CFP: Academic Exchange Quarterly


One academic journal is going to have a special edition on second language acquisition and pedagogy.  We would like to encourage you to consider contributing your papers.


Journal name: Edition: Second language acquisition and pedagogy

Editor: Hiroshi Matsumoto, Ph.D. Soka University of America, California

Deadline: May 31, 2008


A special issue of Academic Exchange Quarterly

(Fall 2008, Volume 12, Issue 3) looks for quality manuscripts about second language acquisition and pedagogy.


This issue aims to explore helpful cutting-edge knowledge on second language acquisition and pedagogy.  The target language may be any second/foreign language, including English as a second language (ESL), Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and Chinese.  Both quantitative and qualitative studies are welcome.  More specific topics encompass, but are not limited to:


1. Input and interaction

2. Teacher talk (the language of instruction that second/foreign language teachers use in the classroom)

3. Interlanguage or learner language analysis (i.e., error, discourse, pragmatics, and conversation analyses)

4. Learner variables (such as motivation, personality characteristics, age, aptitude, and learning styles)

5. Study abroad

6. Task or content based instruction (including immersion program)

7. Language for specific purposes (LSP) (including science and technology)

8. Form-focused instruction

9. Teaching cultural understanding in a second/foreign language class

10. Teaching listening, speaking, reading, and/or writing skills.


The edition intends to bring together new findings and insights about second language acquisition and, hence, contribute to the enhanced efficacy of second/foreign language learning and teaching.


Who May Submit:

Submissions are welcome from teachers, researchers, administrators, and teacher educators at all levels. Please identify your submission with keyword: LANGUAGE-2

Submission deadline:
any time until the end of May 2008; see details for other deadline options like early, regular, and short.

Submission Procedure:   



Chronicle Careers: 1/8/2008: Taking Time for R&R

Chronicle Careers: 1/8/2008: Taking Time for R&R

Here is a useful tip about what to do when your manuscript receives a "revise and resubmit" from a peer-reviewed journal.

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TESOL Convention Schedule

Here is the latest information about future TESOL conventions (with thanks to Alison Petro and Grazzia Maria, who excavated this information from TESOL website):

TESOL 2008
New York Hilton and Sheraton New York
New York, New York USA
April 2-5, 2008

TESOL 2009
Denver Convention Center
Denver, Colorado USA
March 25-28, 2009

TESOL 2010
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Boston, Massachusetts USA
March 24-27, 2010

TESOL 2011
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
March 17-19, 2011

TESOL 2012
Philadelphia Convention Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
March 29-31, 2012

TESOL 2013
Dallas Convention Center
Dallas, Texas, 2013
March 21-23, 2013

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Last update: January 6, 2008