Paul Kei Matsuda

What Advisors Are For

Dear doctoral students: 

If you have questions related to your own research, and if you are in a graduate program, please ask your own advisors first. It's their job to help you and they are being paid for it. If your advisor doesn't know how to help you or are not willing to help you, perhaps you need to find a new advisor. 

If you can't find anyone who can help you at your institution, what do you do? If you are in your first few years into the program, consider moving to an institution where you can work with a real mentor. If it's too late, do your best to find the answers yourself first before asking others for help. 

If you are not in a doctoral program and are looking for one, go to an institution where there are faculty members who are willing and able to share all their expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals.

If you don't know how to identify a good doctoral program, take a look at this blog:

Here are some guidelines for e-mentorship:

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Last update: January 6, 2008