SSLW 2011 Update

The 2011 Symposium on Second Language Writing has been tentatively scheduled for June 9-11, 2011 in Taipei, Taiwan. The theme for SSLW 2011 will be “Writing for Scholarly Publication: Beyond Publish or Perish.”
As always, the Symposium will feature internationally recognized experts on second language writing to address various issues related to the theme. There will also be several workshops on writing for publication.
An open call for proposals will be available in September. Any topic related to second language writing is welcome!
Please mark your calendar and spread the word. Hope to see many of you in Taiwan!
Paul Kei Matsuda, Co-Founding Chair
Symposium on Second Language Writing
P.S. The photos from SSLW 2010 in Murcia, Spain, are available at:
Labels: announcement, conference, L2 writing, publications, research methods, symposium
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