Paul Kei Matsuda

SLWIS ELECTIONS: Call for Nominations

From: Deborah Crusan []
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:07 PM
To: Second Language Writing IS E-List
Subject: [slwis-l] SLWIS ELECTIONS: Call for Nominations


Call for Nominations -- Second Language Writing Interest Section

The SLWIS is seeking nominations for the following positions:

•        Chair-Elect
•        Steering Committee Member (3)

If you are interested in becoming more involved in the IS, please consider nominating yourself for these positions. We are looking for nominees who reflect a broad range of professional interests, institutional contexts, and geographic locations.  All officers must be TESOL members and are expected to attend TESOL conventions during their terms of service.

To nominate yourself for any of these positions, please email a brief (100-words max) statement of interest, including biographical information, to Deborah Crusan, Past-Chair (, by January 28, 2009.

ONE person to be elected Chair-elect (starting at the end of the TESOL Convention until the close of the next annual Convention. The person elected will serve as chair-elect 2009-2010, chair 2010-2011, immediate past chair 2011-2012.
The Chair-Elect:

  •  In the temporary absence of the Chair, presides at all meetings of the Second Language Writing IS and the Steering Committee
  • Prepares, in cooperation with the Chair and the Second Vice President of TESOL, the Second Language Writing IS’s segment within the general TESOL convention program, including the academic and discussion sessions
  • Conducts an evaluation of the Second Language Writing IS program offered at the Annual TESOL Meeting and submits a report to the steering Committee within 30 days after the Meeting.  This report should include recommendations for changes to be made the following year
  • Generally assists the Chair in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties assigned by the Chair
  • Serves as a voting member of the Steering Committee
  • Serves as a Second Language Writing IS Delegate to the annual Interest Section Council meeting, if membership is adequate to warrant two representatives.

The main duties of the Chair include:

  • Administering refereeing of SLWIS proposals
  • Conducting annual Open Meeting of the IS
  • Delegating responsibility for the booth prep

THREE members of the Steering Committee who hold office for three years.
Duties of the Steering Committee are: 

  • Determining policies for the operation of the SLWIS
  • Conducting long-range planning for the SLWIS, developing projects and programs as are necessary to achieve the goals of TESOL and the SLWIS
  • Supporting the Chair and Chair-elect in efforts to obtain close liaison with other TESOL groups and other professional organizations having similar concerns
  • Establishing committees as required and to give them specific direction and istructions; to approve the appointments of all members by the Chair
  • Appointing the Editor/s of the Writing IS newsletter and the Webmaster.

Our interest section thrives on member participation, so I hope you will submit your self-nomination or encourage colleagues to nominate themselves for these positions.

If you have any questions, please contact me (


Deborah Crusan, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, TESOL/Applied Linguistics

Wright State University

Dayton, OH  45435

(o) 937-775-2846


2008-2009 Past Chair, Second Language Writing IS at TESOL

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Last update: January 6, 2008